Thursday, 12 April 2012

Loro Parque - 12th April 2012

So today was Loro Parque day :D. Shooted on over to the dolphin stadium. Ran up top to get my first glimpse of the orcas. Saw bubby Adan and Morgan in the med pool :). Keto, Kohana and Tekoa were together and Skyla was in the show pool.
We then watched the dolphin show. There were 7 dolphins and the highlight was the baby. The baby wasn't involved in the show, just swimming around getting in the way every now and then, bless it x3.
After the show I ran on round to the Orca stadium to grab a seat by the slideout. Skyla was in the show pool being a 'show off' as Mum put it :P. She was pretty much non-stop sliding out. All the adults were in the show but not at the same time, and they did a feature for Morgan at the beginning.
After the show we then checked out all the other animals - parrots, sloths, chimps and the tree tops which had a fun bouncy bridge lol. We ate and then saw the penguinis. The rockhoppers were jumping through the water which was pretty cool :). There were lots of lizards running around the park which I loved!
Also saw the Gorillas and Sea Lion show, then to the aquarium, saw weeny tortoises and the white tigers.
Watched the Orca Show again. It was the Skyla Show for most of it! But I think the other three did appear (maybe not Kohana?). On the walk back we saw 2 weeny baby marmosets on the back of mamma, so cute! And there was also a sloth hugging another one, awww!

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