Thursday, 14 August 2008

Swimming with Dolphins - Mediterraneo Marine Park, Malta - 14th August 2008

Place: Mediterraneo Malta
Date: 14th August 2008
Species: Bottlenose Dolphin
Main Cetacean Name: Lucas
Other Cetacean Name: Estella
Time in pool: 30 minutes?

Eee, GolfiƱos swimming!
Me and mom had to wake up kinda early, and were then driven on a crazy death ride to Mediterraneo.
Anyways so we got there and I was scheduled for the 10am session. At 10am we had to be at the meeting point, to watch the presentation talk.
Once that was one, the 12 of us were given wet suit jackets and had to take showers.
Everyone was taken over to the dolphin lagoon, where we were split into 2 groups of 6. There was a french/italian group and I was in the younger group.
We got into the pool, and the first dolphin we had I think was named Estella? We were allowed to pet her. Then the make dolphin, Lucas, came over and we ended up having him =]. We were allowed to kiss him. He camr to me first, and I kissed him on the beak and went 'Mwah!' lmao. We were allowed to pet him, and did waving tricks.
Everyone then took turns to have an individual photo and give Lucas a command. My command was to make Lucas wave his tail. I think I kinda did it wrong, because the trainer made me do it with her lol.
We also lifted Lucas up, which I was waey about because I was beacause I was near his back end, and i think i may have touched his genitalia =S. We then had to swim out to a platform where we all leaned against, and Lucas came around to rest his head on our shoulder, and kiss him for a photo. Apparently I didn't kiss him long enough, so I got to kiss him at least another 2 times =].
I can't remember the entire order of the swim, but I think next was when both groups were given masks and we were allowed to swim out into the pool, and the dolphins swam around us. Because everyone had their heads in the water, watching the dolphins, there was a bit of bumping into each other lol. I even tried diving down to see them better. I was able to hear their clicks =]. That was quite a nice experience.
We then re-grouped and out group went to the other side of the pool. We had Estella. I noticed she had a longer beak than Lucas. Our group had to swim out into the middle of the pool, and make a circle with spaces for Estella to swim in between and past us. She swam past me, and I touched her =].
But during this task, we were given back Lucas. We then swam back, and were sent out in two's to spin around with our right arm in the air, so that Lucas would raise up and spin around too =]. Me and the little girl got to do that twice for some reason.
When we swam back we got to give Lucas a fish. Then I think that was about it, and the last thing was to make him wave.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Marineland France - 20th February 2008

Marineland! Damn, 4 years exactly since one of my first trips.
So we got there, roughly 10.20am, methinks. Mum booked me up for a Sea Lion encounter at 1.30 =].
So, headed straight for the orcas. I noticed the bottom section was all chained up, so I couldn't even get down to the glass for interactions - gutted! Wikie and Inouk were in the show pool, Valentin and Freya in the back, and Sharkane in the middle. The trainers came in, and got Wikie to do some moves, like her full flip and speed swim. Val was also being worked with, and involved in a backstage thing. I then lost mum - ha. Well she went off without telling me, so I went around to the dolphins. No one there, just me. I brought out my pink dolphin stuffie, and not long, the guys were at the glass =]. About 3 of them. They all came over, wide mouthed, looking at the stuffue, and rolling about abit =). I also trailed around the class and they followed. They then started to lose interest I think. They'd come over, look, then go away. So I got out a dolphin stencil thiny, which gained some interest back.
I then noticed alot of people at the orca stadium, So I went back. It was an educational show. I found mum! and sat with her. Well it was all spoken in French, but in English on the boards. About orca communication and stuff. They then 'proudly presented an extract of the afternoon show'. After the show, it was possible to have your photo taken with one of the orcas. Had to pay of course. I was first in que, and I had Freya =]. I had to lean against the glass, and the trainer made Freya pose wide mouthed, and with her tongue out =). I'm glad I got Freya.
We then had lunch - stone cold chips. We then went around the park, and at 1.20 went over for the Sea Lion interaction. It was me and a younger boy. We were taken into an enclosed room. They had trouble getting the right sea lions in :P. Both girls, both 14. One from Argentina, one from South Africa. The SA one was called Nelson, heh. So we had to pose a photo with Nelson, holding her flipper. I was taken to the Argentina one. I was told facts about her, fed her fish and made her wave. Then I got swapped to Nelson. I was allowed to stroke her, and again was told facts, fed ger fish, and got to give ger the clap signal, tell her off signal, but she wouldnt do the handstand one correctly. Instead she like held her flippers out heh.
So then it was over. Twas nice, and something different. The dolphin show was on next, so we ewnt over to that. I watched, no photos. There were 8 dolphins, and 2 young ones ^_^.
After the show, we hung about a bit, and then it was time where we could get our photos. I picked 2 Freya ones and a Nelson one.
It was time for the orcca show, we watched that and then we left the park.

Pics here: